Glucozid is the most beneficial oral antidiabetic agent belonging to the class of sulfonylureas. Glucozid achieves better glucose control, has lower incidence of secondary failure rates, lesser hypoglycemic events and potential free radical scavenging activity.
NIDDM when dietary modification has failed
Treatment is started with a dose of 40-80 mg/day just before meal o.d, increasing by 40 or 80 mg every few days if necessary to a max. of 320 mg. More than 160 mg is given as b.i.d dose. The treatment should begin with low doses in patients with renal and/or hepatic impairment.
Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, Pregnancy, Severe renal insufficiency, Hepatic impairment, Thyroid impairment.
Side effects
Hypoglycemia, headache, gastrointestinal upsets, nausea and dizziness has been reported and skin reactions, including rash, pruritis, erythema may occur.
Glucozid is available as a strip of 10 tablets.